Wednesday, April 17, 2013

No Pictures!

Poor Liam does not like his picture taken! Sometimes he'll cooperate, other times he'll hide his face or turn around. This day he just was not having it! I used my April Counterfeit Kit for this layout, and this sketch from the Artful Delight blog.


  1. I like how you've put all those strips of paper behind the photo. Fun page!

  2. I know someone like that.
    Lovely page

  3. Wonderful way to capture an uncooperative subject! I have a nephew that is like that. He used to be a little camera ham but now he will do everything he can to get out of the shot!

  4. Such a cute photo! I love the tiny camera embellies on the page and the doodling around the border!

  5. Great take on our sketch, fabulous LO!! Thank you for playing along with Artful Delight this month!! :-)
